Sustainability In The New Decade: Turning Challenges Into Opportunities

Sustainability In The New Decade: Turning Challenges Into Opportunities

Many businesses still think that the circulating economy is merely recycling used products. While in reality, the nature merely recycling used products. While in reality, the nature requires the modification in each stage of the production process, starting from research, design and development of a product, so that the product uses materials more economically, consumes less energy during production and operation, has higher durability, components and accessories can be repaired and replaced easily, and when the life-cycle ends, it can be an input to as many other industries as possible.

It is estimated that the circulating economics may help the world to save US$ 4,500 billion and generate millions of jobs for the global economy by 2030. EUR 600 billion (approximately US$ 660 billion)may be saved by Europe alone. At the end of 2018, 34 countries in the world were advanced with the
first progress on legislation and policies on circulating economic enhancement.

By awareness of circulating economics’s significance, all production and business ctivities are oriented towards sustainable development by many Vietnam-based players, especially FDI enterprises to ensure long-term growth and improve the trademark prestige.

the circulating economics
inevitable tendency

It is estimated that the circulating economics may help the world to save US$ 4,500 billion and generate millions of jobs for the global economy by 2030. EUR 600 billion (approximately US$ 660 billion) may be saved by Europe alone. At the end of 2018, 34 countries in the world were advanced with thefirst progress on legislation and policies on circulating economic enhancement.

By awareness of circulating economics’s significance, all production and business activities are oriented towards sustainable development by many Vietnam-based players, especially FDI enterprises to ensure long-term growth and improve the trademark prestige.

At the seminar "CEO Forum: Sustainability - A Vitality For Business Growth" recently held by NS BlueScope, representatives of businesses in different fields shared about the promote the circulating economy for sustainable development in your business.

Availability of Packaging Recycling Organization Vietnam (PRO Vietnam) in 2019 with founder as FDI enterprises and Vietnamese partners is a typical example, Currently, PRO Vietnam has 13 members jointly involving in development of waste recycling and classification chains and solidification of available packaging collection ecosystem. This model recycles entire life cycle of product packaging from design and fabrication of recycling materials; packaging collection, recycling and reuse solutions, etc. Great contribution is made to increase the credits of waste material collection, ensuring that all consumed packaging is completely handled. A series of activities have been launched to raise the high awareness of the local community.

Making contribution to a green, clean and beautiful Vietnam, a close cooperation has been made by the two founders of PRO Vietnam, namely Nestlé Vietnam and LaVie Co., Ltd, and the local leading manufacturers of consumables and packaging with a series of specific activities have been launched to realize the commitment to 2025 that 100% recycling or reusable packaging shall be used, with a vision for a non-waste future, focusing on 3 fields:

Accordingly, improvements on packaging have been taken to gradually fulfill the 100% recycling or reuse objectives by 2025. Improvements include:

In 2020 and 2021, PRO Vietnam and its member companies shall pilot the projects on typical packaging classification, collection and recycling and evaluate the feasible operating models to drive the circulating economy for packaging in Vietnam. Lobbying is also initiated to perfect the comprehensive EPR policies in Vietnam.

Mr. Bruno Fux, the Director of Ecocycle & Sustainable Development of INSEE Vietnam has shared about a professional waste management procedure in addition to co-treatment, known as an optimal service offered to the partners by Ecocycle INSEE. INSEE was the unique licensee to distribue the special waste substances (PCBs, pesticides). In order to accelerate the solid waste treatment, this player has worked closely with the competent authorities to handle the hazardous wastes such as PCBs, pesticides or HCFC gas.

Over US$ 30 million has been invested into waste pre-treatment and co-treatment by INSEE Vietnam. Consequently, 25,000 tons of CO2/year has been minimized to the environment. The Company is also evaluated as the cement manufacturer with the lowest clinker coefficient in the industry. The recent report released by the World Bank affirmed that Ecocycle is the pioneer and the local leading manufacturer in terms of waste eatment and energy recovery method in Vietnam.

Mr. Bruno Fux also assumed that waste recycling is essential to perfect the value chain. In the future, waste classification would be much more effectively conducted thanks to technologies such as sensing and robot to easily follow up the waste runoff/ materials, etc. Accordingly, online analysis may be onducted for temperature, humidity and chlorine content value with Adjustable IR Infrared Proximity Sensor to scan materials in conveyor (in fact). Some specific measures were also recommended such as bonus and penalty regimes for the local people regarding waste management and concentrated waste management for big unit, atsite composting (non-concentrated) for small units, network optimizing to reduce freights, etc.

With the aforesaid practical activities, the reliable resources and serious investment must be made by the enterprises involving in this model to successfully drive the circulating economic development as what referred to by the experts. Accordingly, investors are not only required to inject in R&D of new environmental friendly product but also change their production procedure and equipment to minimize emission.

Another product which has been recently introduced into Vietnam market is Lysaght ® Bondek ® II steel decking solutions to serve for high-rise buildings. Meanwhile most of steel floor panels available at the market are only functioned as formwork for casting concrete floor, the biggest difference of Lysaght products is that Bondek ® II works as reinforcement for composite slab. Hence, it may successfully shorten the construction period, minimize labor accidents and total investment costs for the Project Owner thanks to minimizing the bottom layer of reinforcement.

Furthermore, Bluescope Group also initiates a series of activities to minimize adverse impacts on environment such as reduction of CO2, water efficiency use through water savings and reusing model, minimizing discharge of solid wastes into the environment, installation of solar power system for the office’s power consumption demand. All of such activities are shared with our partners through conferences to exchange the experience and typical examples in this model.

With the objective of always aiming at sustainable development in business activities and contributing to the community, NS BlueScope Vietnam organized a seminar "CEO Forum:Sustainability - The Vitality For Business Growth" with the participation of econ omist Pham Chi Lan and leaders of enterprises in the construction and manufacturing industry.
